[关键字]: Docetaxel
Market Research Report on Anticancer Drug Docetaxel
Publisher: Orient Health Electronic Commercial(Beijing)co.,Ltd
Published: July 2006
Format: Hardcopy and Adobe PDF
Price: US$1,280
Contact: Mr. Bian chenghua Ms. Wu huifang
Tel.: 86-10-68012929-2116/2101 Fax: 86-10-68012929-2008
E-mail: bianch@healthoo.com wuhf@healthoo.com
1 Categories of cancer and therapeutics
2 Epidemiology
2.1 Epidemic Trend of malignant neoplasms
2.2 Epidemic Trend of key malignant neoplasms
3 General analysis about hostpital sales of Anticancer Drugs
3.1 Marekt scale and growth trend
3.2 Market shares of different categories
4 Sales analysis of Docetaxel
4.1 General analysis about hostpital sales of Docetaxel
4.2 Market shares of different enterprises
4.3 Output and production capacity of Top 3 manufacturing enterprises
4.4 Analysis of key brands
4.4.1 Sales trend of top 3 key brands
4.4.2 Sales statistics of top 3 key brands in sample cities
4.5 Price trend, structure of dosage forms and strengths
4.5.1 Sales statistics of dosage forms and strengths, prices
4.5.2 Prices of top 3 key brands in key cities
4.6 Research and development in China
4.6.1 List of Domestic marketd products and import procucts
4.6.2 Status of application and approval for Blood Thinning Drugs