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Monthly information of Chinese APIs industry(September 2021)
Editor:xuezhe    Clicks:106    Date:2022-1-21 11:44:11
Keyword: Monthly information
Healthoo Information:

Monthly information of Chinese APIs industry

Publisher: Beijing Orientbit Technology Co., Ltd.

Format:  Adobe PDF 

Price:  2,800$/ (12 issues) 

Contact:Ms. Wu huifang   Ms. Xuezhe

Tel.: 86-10-68032463             Fax:  86-10-68052505


Part Ⅰ: Market situation analysis

Weekly APIs market review (August 2-August 8, 2021)

Recent changes highlights of domestic vitamin raw material market

From January to June 2021, the price of imported erythromycin thiocyanate in India increased

Part Ⅱ: Enterprise news industry news

Zhejiang Pharmaceutical stopped reporting vitamin A, vitamin E other products on July 21

Luwei Pharmaceutical has stopped production maintenance of vitamin C production line since July 17

Zhejiang Pharmaceutical Changhai Bio has stopped production maintenance since July 25

Garden Bio-Jinxi Science Technology Park stopped production technical transformation

Garden Bios sales revenue of vitamin D3 series products in the first half of 2021 was 259 million yuan

A factory in Shandong raised the price of calcium pantothenate

Yimante upgraded some environmental protection facilities

Part Ⅲ: Price information

1、Export price of Vitamins

2、Export price of Antibiotics

3、Export prices of Antipyretic analgesic

4、Export prices of hormone APIs

5. Other
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Online information introduction
Monthly information
Relative Information
  • Monthly information of Chinese APIs industry(October.2021)
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  • Address: Suite 13F,NO2 Building, FuXing International, TianHua North Street, Yizhuang, Daxing District, Beijing, P.R. China